Monday, July 26, 2010


AUGUST 3rd 10:00am & 10:00 pm Eastern DIY BATHtastic - Homecoming

A true surprise for Nick!!!  Watch the reveal!

I designed a bathroom for Rachel and her husband Nick,

 Nick was in Iraq for almost a year and Rachel wanted to surprise him with a new bathroom.

It was a great gift to design this makeover for Rachel and Nick

Thank you you two and enjoy!!!


AUGUST 10TH 1:00am & 10:00pm Eastern DIY BATHtastic - Stoned

A little bling bling to their backsplash - crystals!

I blended the rustic feel of concrete with the feel of bling sophistication!



AUGUST 17TH 1:00am & 10:00pm Eastern DIY BATHtastic - Bathroom trip

I found a company that takes recycled aluminum/metal airplanes

& turns them into indestructible metal tiles, placed on the shower walls - soooo cooool!    

Posted via email from kellikaufer's posterous

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